So, today was spent cleaning out closets. Odds and ends that never needed to be in there are cleaned out... nice racks with hooks are in place to catch the things that need to be in there but have been cluttering when they could have been hanging out of my way :) Looks great and the productivity is very personally rewarding. I have been warding off painting anymore until the house gets a little dose of what my mother-in-law started in me.
Christine (Jason's mom) came over last week and helped me overhaul the massive issue of disaster that was my office. Thank God she offered and did it. Boy did I need the help, and now I have all the confidence I need to get this whole house looking good. My mom was never around to help me organize anything, and Dad didn't. I am glad that she and Mike (my father-in-law) are willing to be my guides :) I am so blessed. I smell like vinegar, am sticky with sweat, and ready to take a shower. Before that though...... gonna see if I can't do a little more today!